Good News: Unemployment will no longer be a curse! Rs 2500 will be credited to your account every month

Many a times, even after getting a good education, your job search becomes fruitless. In such a situation, friends and relatives make different comments about you. They even tease by calling you an educated unemployed. If you belong to the state of Chhattisgarh and you are educated but not well paid, then there is no need to bother.

Because here the state government gives Rs 2500 per month to the unemployed. The reason for the government is to give them social prestige among the unemployed youths. That also helps them to empower themselves to take jobs.

Youths go towards depression

Actually, at many times, a good degree is awarded, but there are no jobs for such an individual. Some of these young people go to the point of being depressed. Nowadays, keeping in mind the interest of the youth, the Govt of Chhattisgarh has introduced this unemployment allowance scheme by which they can be availed for the youths. The number of youths that enjoy the scheme is in the lakhs at the moment.

CM Vishnu Dev Sai has come up with unemployment allowance. The provision under this is that the government supports unemployed youth financially by providing 2500 rupees every month. If you also want to take advantage of this scheme then you have come to the right place, because here eligible persons can apply.

This is the eligibility

To apply for the unemployment allowance scheme, the age of the applicants has to be between 18 and 35 years. The youth must also furnish at least a mark sheet of having passed 10th or 12th class as proof of such education. The absence of such ones in the family who has been well placed in a job renders the youth ineligible for the scheme. Also, the house in which more than ten thousand rupees pension is coming.

Such youth also cannot apply in this scheme. This apart, the beneficiary must not be a taxpayer under any circumstances. Besides, people from houses of former and present ministers, assembly members, mayors, urban bodies and district panchayat presidents of his house are also not able to apply in this scheme.

Necessary Documents

If you are eligible under all of the above conditions, you can fill up the online application form along with your employment registration card, mark sheets from the 10th and 12th grades, income certificate, native certificate, and a passport-sized photograph.

Rakesh Kumar, an accomplished author and visionary thinker with a B.Tech degree in Electrical Engineering with a keen interest in exploring topics related to government welfare schemes, finance and business news. Currently He is Working as Senior Editor for the Blog. Contact: [email protected]

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