The government has been making regular efforts for the elderly people. Along with centre, the state government also run schemes on their level. Before elections, Aam Aadmi Party has planned to start Sanjivani scheme for elderly Delhites. Besides, a few states have taken important steps for senior citizens. The latest news has just come up-a state in the country has more than doubled the monthly pension for the elders.
A pension of Rs 3500 will now be given every month.
The people are wanting to know more about what the government schemes hold. That is why, whenever there is an update, people are eager to know about it. One such update has come out now under the name of Odisha government; this has increased the amount of pension for the elderly. According to this now those aged 80 years or more will receive a pension of Rs 3500 every month.
Also, these people will receive a higher pension
The other part more than 80 percent of the handicap will also get a higher amount of pension along with elderly couples. They will also receive a monthly pension of Rs 3500. According to him, this proposal has been cleared by CM Mohan Charan Manjhi. The new pension disbursement will come into effect as early as 2024.
So, all in all, in the new year, the government will give a big present not only for the elderly but also for the disabled. Under this, beneficiaries will receive an annual transfer of Rs 41000 in their bank accounts.